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Our research and practice as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic, including scientific articles, studies and media coverage.

Healthy cities after COVID-19 pandemic: the just ecofeminist healthy cities approach

Daily Mail

Employees working from home four days a week slashes pollution by 10%, study finds

A take-home message from COVID-19 on urban air pollution reduction through mobility limitations and teleworking

Sociodemographic determinants of intraurban variations in COVID-19 incidence: the case of Barcelona

Exposure to nature and mental health outcomes during COVID-19 lockdown. A comparison between Portugal and Spain


Pandemia y parques infantiles

Red Canary Collective

Speeding Toward A Car-Free, Post-Covid Future?

Green European Journal

Liveable Spaces for All: Covid-19 in the City

Dones Jardins


COVID-19 highlights three pathways to achieve urban health and environmental justice


Adaptar Barcelona a las olas de calor desde la justicia climática urbana

The COVID-19 Pandemic

Power and privilege, gentrification, and urban environmental justice in the global north

The Sociological Review

Testimonies of Confinement: Women and Men in Academia


A Look At The Post-Coronavirus City

Testimonies of Confinement in Academia

Our lab member share their personal experiences and gendered struggles during lockdown


The Lasting Impact of Covid-19 on Environmental Justice in Cities

Una seixantena d'investigadors ICREA lideren més d'un centenar d'activitats de recerca sobre la COVID-19

COVID-19 Survey on Green Spaces

Take this survey on the importance of access to green space

Academia in the Time of COVID-19

Towards an Ethics of Care

TV3 alacarta

El confinament és un banc de proves per a un estudi científic sobre la importància del verd a casa nostra


Our cities may never look the same again after the pandemic


El desafío de abrir los parques para descongestionar las ciudades durante la desescalada

Academia in the Time of COVID-19

Our Chance to Develop an Ethics of Care

UrbanA Open Webinar June 5th

COVID-19 pandemic: A critical turning point in how we imagine cities

The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Space

A Review of the Emerging Questions


Los ‘infinitos’ beneficios de los espacios verdes domésticos durante el COVID-19


Construir la resiliencia social y ambiental de Barcelona en tiempos post-Covid-19

The Nature of Cities

Roundtable on COVID-19

The Nature of Cities

Enabling Access to Greenspace During the Covid-19 Pandemic—Perspectives from Five Cities


Un estudi analitza els beneficis dels espais verds domèstics i residencials durant el confinament


Francesc Baró en una entrevista sobre la importància del verd a les vides confinades