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Helen Cole

Deputy Coordinator & Research Line Co-leader

Helen Cole, DrPH, is Senior Researcher (Banco Santander-TALENT fellow) at ICTA-UAB where she is also Deputy Director and co-leader the research lines on urban environment, health, and equity and financialization, housing justice and climate change at BCNUEJ. She is co-coordinator/principal investigator of a Horizon Europe consortium research project on scaling up green care across Europe. She holds a Doctorate in Public Health from the City University of New York Graduate Center specialized in community, society and health and an MPH in Health Behavior and Health Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

She specializes in urban health, health equity and community health. Drawing from the fields of sociology, critical geography, and urban planning, her work challenges traditional public health perspectives by questioning and evaluating the long-term social justice impacts of structural urban interventions (e.g., the potential for green/environmental gentrification resulting from urban greening). Her current work explores whether, and how, healthier cities may also be made equitable, placing urban health interventions in the context of the broader urban social and political environments.


  • Health Equity
  • Urban Health
  • Gentrification
  • Healthcare Gentrification
  • Healthy Cities
  • Mixed Methods

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